Q: How many shifts are parents responsible for?
A: Parents with only one child in T Ball are responsible for 2 shifts. All other Parents are responsible for 4 shifts.
Q: How long is a shift?
A: Shifts are typically 2.5 to 3 hours in length.
Q: Do I have to work all 4 shifts in the Concession Stand?
A: No, we offer Field Duty and other shifts as determined by the board.
Q: What happens if I already signed up for a shift but can't work 3 hours?
A: Please contact us or ask a board member on duty, they will work with you to get your time rescheduled.
Q: What happens if I am having trouble finding time to fulfill my work bond hours?
A: Please stop by the concession stand and speak with a Board Member, they will work with you to find a time to get you scheduled.
Q: Do I have to sign in or out to get credit for working?
A: Yes, you must sign in and out in the work bond system or book, otherwise you will not be credited for time worked.
Q: When do I know my shift is over?
A: Please check with a Board Member before leaving to ensure you worked your full shift so you get signed out to receive credit for working.
Q: What is Field Duty?
A: Field Duty takes place on Saturday mornings at 8am sharp. It includes various tasks that prepare the fields and the complex for our busiest day of the week, Saturday. When reporting for Field Duty on Saturdays, please report to the Board member in charge of Field Duty for that day to ensure you get signed in.